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Guest & Early Studies

Guest Studies

You can enrol as a guest student in order to attend individual courses or language courses at the University of Bayreuth. You can find all the information and dates for enrolment here.


Guest students generally require the same qualifications as students. If you do not have a general or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification, you can find out more here. International applicants also require a higher education entrance qualification and sufficient knowledge of german language proficiency. A decision on admission or rejection is made after the university checked your qualification.

Guest students can be enrolled at the University of Bayreuth on application to attend individual courses (Art 87 No. 3 of the BayHIG). According to Section 16 (1) of the Matriculation Statutes, taking examinations as part of a guest programme is not permitted. You cannot claim any laboratory or permanent workstations.

Despite enrolment, attendance of courses with limited number of participants is excluded if the available places are taken up by students of the University of Bayreuth. In the case of admission-restricted degree programmes, enrolment as a guest student is only possible for courses in which no laboratory places or other fixed workstations are required.

Procedure for first-time enrolmentHide
  • Send your proof of higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur, Bachelor, Master) as a pdf-file by e-mail to studierendenkanzlei@uni-bayreuth.de or come in person to the Student Administration Office during our personal opening hours.

  • You will then receive the application form for enrolment as a guest student and the form for transferring the fees.

  • Fill in the application form for enrolment, enter the desired lectures according to the course catalogue or the desired language course. (Here you will find a quick guide to the course catalogue for selecting the course)

  • Ask the lecturer to approve your participation in the desired lecture. Or have participation in language courses approved by the Language Centre. Please also note the information and dates provided by the Language Centre.

  •  Complete the transfer using the form you have received.

  • Send us the completed and signed application form for enrolment as a guest student together with the following documents by e-mail or post:
    - Proof of payment (online printout/account statement)
    - Copy of your ID/passport
    - Photo for creating the guest-student-ID-card (e.g. for using the library, the canteen at the guest price or the payment function for copies)
  • The application will be signed and sealed by us and is therefore your proof of enrolment.
Procedure for renewal erolmentHide
  • If you were already enrolled as a guest student at the University of Bayreuth in a previous semester, no further requirements need to be checked.

  • Please contact us by e-mail studierendenkanzlei@uni-bayreuth.de or come in person during our personal opening hours to the Student Administration Office and request the application for enrolment as a guest student and the transfer form.

  • Fill in the application form for enrolment, enter the desired lectures according to the course catalogue or the desired language course. (Here you will find a quick guide to the course catalogue for selecting the course)

  • Ask the lecturer to approve your participation in the desired lecture. Or have participation in language courses approved by the Language Centre. Please also note the information and dates provided by the Language Centre.

  • Complete the transfer using the form you have received.

  • Send us the completed and signed application form for enrolment as a guest student together with the following documents by e-mail or post:
    - proof of payment (online printout/account statement)
  • The application will be signed and sealed by us and is therefore your proof of enrolment.
Enrolment for the language course as an employee of the UBTHide

The fees for course of study of guest students is calculated according to the total number of semester hours per week of the courses for which enrolment is requested. 

  • up to four semester hours per week 100 Euro per semester
  • five to eight semester weekly hours 200 Euro per semester
  • more than eight semester hours per week 300 Euro per semester

Cases where no charges are levied:

  • If enrolment as a guest student is required in addition to enrolment as a student for a full, additional, supplementary, or postgraduate course of study in order to carry out and complete this course of study properly in accordance with the relevant examination regulations, no fees will be charged.
  • foreign guest students who are enrolled as part of an exchange programme within the European Communities, which is also based on reciprocity with regard to the exemption of fees for studies, or within the framework of university cooperation agreements,
  • Pupils who are entitled to attend courses at universities on the basis of Art. 42 Para. 3 BayHSchG,
  • Guest students who are enrolled as students at another university with which a corresponding cooperation agreement exists.

On the basis of Art. 31 Para. 2 sentence 1 Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act and § 16 Para. 9 Enrollment Statutes fees are charged for the enrolment of visiting students.  These are laid down in statutory regulations (Bavarian Higher Education Act - HSchGebV - BayRS 2210-1-1-9-K - in the respectively valid version).

Early Studies


High school pupils who, according to the mutual judgement of their school and the University, have special talents may be admitted to courses as guest students in individual cases.  In the process, course and examination requirements may be fulfilled, and corresponding credit points acquired, which will be recognised in a subsequent course of study if there is subject-specific equivalence.
This option is intended for students in Year 11 to 13.  The courses offered by the University can be found in the course catalogue.
In principle, students can acquire certificates of achievement in all subjects.  The only exceptions are subjects with restricted admission.

Procedure for enrolmentHide
  • The application for admission to early studies (available here) must be submitted to the Student Office of the University of Bayreuth with the confirmations mentioned under No. 2 and 3 (applicants under the age of 18 require the consent of their legal guardians).  Information on guest student studies can be found at the top of this page.

  • Pupils must submit confirmation from their headmaster stating the type of school leaving certificate they wish to obtain, their academic background, their special aptitude, and an endorsement of their participation in certain university courses.
  • The representative of the University of Bayreuth responsible for the selected course is to approve participation.  It is recommended to contact the responsible representative in advance.

    Here you will find further information about the Early Studies University.

Registering as a student after completing schoolHide

If, after enrolling as a highly gifted student, you wish to apply or enrol as a student, please contact the Student Office. We will be happy to explain the necessary steps to you.

Webmaster: Ulrike Nützel

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